php tutorial - How to Merge Arrays in PHP - php programming - learn php - php code - php script

  • PHP provides some built-in array functions which help to do array operation so easily. The array_merge() function is one of them.
 merge array in php

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  • PHP array_merge() function creates a new array merging two or more PHP arrays but the original arrays remain unchanged.
  • The structure of a array_merge() function is given below…
$merged_array = array_merge($array1,$array2…….$arrayN);
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  • The structure shows that the array_merge() function accepts two or more arrays as arguments and returns another array as a return value but does not change the original arrays.

Sample Code

 $web_lang = array("PHP","HTML","CSS");
 $apps_lang = array("C++","C#","Java");
 $com_lang = array_merge($web_lang,$apps_lang);
 echo "Merged array's elements : ";
 foreach($com_lang as $lang){
  echo $lang." ";
 echo " First array's elements : ";
 foreach($web_lang as $lang){
  echo $lang." ";
 echo " Second array's elements : ";
 foreach($apps_lang as $lang){
  echo $lang." ";
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Merged array’s elements: PHP HTML CSS C++ C# Java
First array’s elements: PHP HTML CSS
Second array’s elements: C++ C# Java
  • The example shows that two arrays are merging with the array_merge() function but the original arrays are remaining unchanged.
  • So, multiple PHP arrays can easily be merged using the array_merge() function.

PHP array_combine() function

  • The array_combine() function helps to create a new array combining two arrays where one array elements will be indexes and another array elements will be elements of the new array.
  • But the both arrays must have equal elements.

Sample Code

$fruits = array("Mango","Apple","Banana"); 
$colors = array("Green","Red","Yellow");
$fruit_color = array_combine($fruits,$colors); 
foreach($fruit_color as $key => $value){
   echo $key." is ".$value." ";
echo "The combined array is: ";
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Mango is Green
Apple is Red
Banana is Yellow
  • The example shows that the array_combine() function returns an array which indexes are the first array elements and the values are the second array elements.
  • So, two PHP arrays can be combined using the array_combine() function so easily.

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