110 IpOverUsbSvc service missing in windows10 - wikitechy.com

[Fix] - IpOverUsbSvc service missing in windows10

Wikitechy | 13924 Views | windows | 09 Jun 2016


Error :

         IpOverUsbSvc service missing in windows10

Scenario :

  • When I wanted to deploy my windows phone app to a phone - since that was not working and after some research & analysis I found out that the "Windows Phone IP over USB transport service" (IpOverUsbSvc) needs to be started in the phone.
  • The major problem is that : “There is no such a service, when I check the services on my PC”. (I checked for "Windows Phone IP over USB" and also for "IpOverUsbSvc")
  • Previously, this was no such problem in the last Windows 10 Build and was working perfectly under Windows 8.1 but at the moment when we cannot deploy apps to our phones for testing...it is quite bad even for the Windows Phone Developers.

Fix1 :

  • We have the fix for this USB issue.
  • We need to check out the weather the USB related stuffs has been installed and configured in our machine or not. 
  • Because, when we open a powershell prompt and type "Get-Service -Name *USB*" 

  • Refer this following URL in order to Register for enabling the USB related service 

        https://onedrive.live.com/prev?  cid=88092d932b312c1e&id=88092D932B312C1E%21186636&authkey=%21ACy%5F%2Drwnx9gY5Pg&v=TextFileEditor

  • Here below we have shown you the content in the file along with its screenshot :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DisplayName"="Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc)"
"Description"="Enables communication between Windows Phone SDK and Windows Phone device. If the service is stopped, application deployment and debugging will fail on device."

Here is the final consolidated result :

1.If we did install that SDK (10166) while building 10166. The app we are trying to debug was 8.0 Silverlight, so not sure if the SDK was relevant.

2.The powershell command had no results

3.run the reg file, restarted, debugging once again works and the IpOverUsbSvc shows up when I run that powershell command.


Error Message:

  • Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) is not running. Retry after starting Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) from the services management console.”
  • This cause of the error is that the service “Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc)” is not running, which can be resolved in a  simple way.
  • Simply a header over to services.msc. Look for “Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc)”, the status should be empty or automatic. After that Right click on it and select Start.
  • Go to ->run 

Fix3 :

  • We have another fix as well for this USB issue :
  • Once after download there will be a folder inside called as Installers .
  • Checking this out , we can find that inside this folder there are lots of .msi files and one of them is Windows IP Over USB-x86_en-us.msi

       We need to Just install it.

  • Proceeding to this ,we need to  go back to the services windows, we will find the IpOverUsbSvc running.

Fix4 :

  • Here is the another fix to resolve this issue by Repairing of Visual Studio .  

Fix5 :

  • Here is the another easiest way to resolve this issue by Unpluging the USB cable and trying a different port, try also a different USB cable, and restarting the Windows Phone IP Over USB Transport service.

Fix6 :

Here we list out some procedure to resolve this issue by uninstalling a Windows Phone device

1.First step we need to Open Device Manager.

2.After that Double-click in portable devices.

3.Right-click in the windows phone, and then click Uninstall.

4.Finally, Click OK to complete the uninstall process.

After that reinstall Windows Phone device

1.In the Device Manager, in this Action menu, click the Scan for hardware changes.

Fix7 :

  • Initially Set the correct date and time.
  • Then Change the device name [ From your PC, where we can simply change device name
  • And check your device where it must have internet connection for sure.

Fixes are applicable to the following versions of windows:

  • ipoverusbsvc windows 7
  • Phone ip over usb service in windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 SDK

Related Error Tags :

  • how to start ipoverusbsvc
  • ipoverusbsvc download
  • windows phone ip over usb transport download
  • install ipoverusbsvc
  • ipoverusbsvc not found


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