[Solved-6 Solutions] Detecting an “invalid date” Date instance in JavaScript - javascript tutorial


How to detect an “invalid date” Date instance in JavaScript?

Solution 1:

The Simplest way is comparing the converted date to validate

function validate_date(y,m,d)
var ndate = new Date(y,m-1,d); 
var con_date =
""+ndate.getFullYear() + (ndate.getMonth()+1) + ndate.getDate(); //converting the date
var gdate = "" + y + m + d; //given date
return ( gdate == con_date); //return true if date is valid

Solution 2:

var d = new Date("foo");
console.log(d.toString()); // shows 'Invalid Date'
console.log(typeof d); // shows 'object'
console.log(d instanceof Date); // shows 'true'

Solution 3:

if ( Object.prototype.toString.call(d) === "[object Date]" ) {
  // it is a date
  if ( isNaN( d.getTime() ) ) {  // d.valueOf() could also work
    // date is not valid
  else {
    // date is valid
else {
  // not a date

Solution 4:

Instead of using "new Date()" we should use:

var timestamp=Date.parse('foo')

if (isNaN(timestamp)==false)
    var d=new Date(timestamp);


Date.parse() returns a timestamp

Solution 5:

  • We can check the validity of a Date object d
d instanceof Date && isFinite(d)
  • To avoid cross-frame issues, we could replace the instanceof check with
Object.prototype.toString.call(d) === '[object Date]'

Solution 6:


Date.prototype.isValid = function () {
    // An invalid date object returns NaN for getTime() and NaN is the only
    // object not strictly equal to itself.
    return this.getTime() === this.getTime();


var d = new Date("lol");

console.log(d.isValid()); // false

d = new Date("2012/09/11");

console.log(d.isValid()); // true

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