javascript tutorial - [Solved-5 Solutions] DOM element focus - javascript - java script - javascript array


How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

Solution 1:

  • document.activeElement is now part of the HTML5 working draft specification, but it might not yet be supported in some non-major/mobile/older browsers. we can fall back to querySelector (if that is supported). It's also worth mentioning that document.activeElement will return document.bodycode> if no element is focused - even if the browser window doesn't have focus.
  • The following code will work around this issue and fall back to querySelector giving a little better support.
var focused = document.activeElement;
if (!focused || focused == document.body)
    focused = null;
else if (document.querySelector)
    focused = document.querySelector(":focus");
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Solution 3:

The approach used by Joel S, but I also love the simplicity of document.activeElement. I used jQuery and combined the two. Older browsers that don't support document.activeElement will use to store the value of 'hasFocus'. Newer browsers will use document.activeElement. I assume that document.activeElement will have better performance.

(function($) {
var settings;
$.fn.focusTracker = function(options) {
    settings = $.extend({}, $.focusTracker.defaults, options);

    if (!document.activeElement) {
        this.each(function() {
            var $this = $(this).data('hasFocus', false);

            $this.focus(function(event) {
                $'hasFocus', true);
            $this.blur(function(event) {
                $'hasFocus', false);
    return this;

$.fn.hasFocus = function() {
    if (this.length === 0) { return false; }
    if (document.activeElement) {
        return this.get(0) === document.activeElement;

$.focusTracker = {
    defaults: {
        context: 'body'
    focusedElement: function(context) {
        var focused;
        if (!context) { context = settings.context; }
        if (document.activeElement) {
            if ($(document.activeElement).closest(context).length > 0) {
                focused = document.activeElement;
        } else {
            $(':visible:enabled', context).each(function() {
                if ($(this).data('hasFocus')) {
                    focused = this;
                    return false;
        return $(focused);
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Solution 4:

FocusTracker = {
    startFocusTracking: function() {'hasFocus', false);
       this.addEvent('focus', function() {'hasFocus', true); });
       this.addEvent('blur', function() {'hasFocus', false); });

    hasFocus: function() {
       return this.retrieve('hasFocus');

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Solution 5:

if (typeof document.activeElement === 'undefined') { // Check browser doesn't do it anyway
  $('*').live('focus', function () { // Attach to all focus events using .live()
    document.activeElement = this; // Set activeElement to the element that has been focussed
click below button to copy the code. By JavaScript tutorial team

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