javascript tutorial - [Solved-5 Solutions] Use of ‘prototype’ vs.’this’ in javascript? - javascript - java script - javascript array


What's the difference between

var A = function () {
    this.x = function () {
        //do something
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var A = function () { };
A.prototype.x = function () {
    //do something

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Solution 1:

As others have said the first version, using "this" results in every instance of the class A having its own independent copy of function method "x". Whereas using "prototype" will mean that each instance of class A will use the same copy of method "x". Here is some code to show this subtle difference:

// x is a method assigned to the object using "this"
var A = function () {
    this.x = function () { alert('A'); };
A.prototype.updateX = function( value ) {
    this.x = function() { alert( value ); }

var a1 = new A();
var a2 = new A();
a1.x();  // Displays 'A'
a2.x();  // Also displays 'A'
a1.x();  // Displays 'Z'
a2.x();  // Still displays 'A'

// Here x is a method assigned to the object using "prototype"
var B = function () { };
B.prototype.x = function () { alert('B'); };

B.prototype.updateX = function( value ) {
    B.prototype.x = function() { alert( value ); }

var b1 = new B();
var b2 = new B();
b1.x();  // Displays 'B'
b2.x();  // Also displays 'B'
b1.x();  // Displays 'Y'
b2.x();  // Also displays 'Y' because by using prototype we have changed it for all instances
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As others have mentioned, there are various reasons to choose one method or the other. My sample is just meant to clearly demonstrate the difference.

Solution 2:

In most cases they are essentially the same, but the second version saves memory because there is only one instance of the function instead of a separate function for each object. A reason to use the first form is to access "private members". For example:

var A = function () {
    var private_var = ...;

    this.x = function () {
        return private_var;

    this.setX = function (new_x) {
        private_var = new_x;
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Because of javascript's scoping rules, private_var is available to the function assigned to this.x, but not outside the object.

Solution 3:

The first example changes the interface for that object only. The second example changes the interface for all object of that class.

Solution 4:

The ultimate problem with using this instead of prototype is that when overriding a method, the constructor of the base class will still refer to the overridden method. Consider this:

BaseClass = function() {
    var text = null;

    this.setText = function(value) {
        text = value + " BaseClass!";

    this.getText = function() {
        return text;

    this.setText("Hello"); // This always calls BaseClass.setText()

SubClass = function() {
    // setText is not overridden yet,
    // so the constructor calls the superclass' method;

    // Keeping a reference to the superclass' method
    var super_setText = this.setText;
    // Overriding
    this.setText = function(value) {, "SubClass says: " + value);
SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass();

var subClass = new SubClass();
console.log(subClass.getText()); // Hello BaseClass!

subClass.setText("Hello"); // setText is already overridden
console.log(subClass.getText()); // SubClass says: Hello BaseClass!
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BaseClass = function() {
    this.setText("Hello"); // This calls the overridden method

BaseClass.prototype.setText = function(value) {
    this.text = value + " BaseClass!";

BaseClass.prototype.getText = function() {
    return this.text;

SubClass = function() {
    // setText is already overridden, so this works as expected;
SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass();

SubClass.prototype.setText = function(value) {, "SubClass says: " + value);

var subClass = new SubClass();
console.log(subClass.getText()); // SubClass says: Hello BaseClass!
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If we think this is not a problem, then it depends on whether we can live without private variables, and whether we are experienced enough to know a leak when we see one. Also, having to put the constructor logic after the method definitions is inconvenient.

var A = function (param1) {
    var privateVar = null; // Private variable

    // Calling this.setPrivateVar(param1) here would be an error

    this.setPrivateVar = function (value) {
        privateVar = value;
        console.log("setPrivateVar value set to: " + value);

        // param1 is still here, possible memory leak
        console.log("setPrivateVar has param1: " + param1);

    // The constructor logic starts here possibly after
    // many lines of code that define methods

    this.setPrivateVar(param1); // This is valid

var a = new A(0);
// setPrivateVar value set to: 0
// setPrivateVar has param1: 0

//setPrivateVar value set to: 1
//setPrivateVar has param1: 0
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var A = function (param1) {
    this.setPublicVar(param1); // This is valid
A.prototype.setPublicVar = function (value) {
    this.publicVar = value; // No private variable

var a = new A(0);
console.log(a.publicVar); // 1
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Solution 5:

What's the difference? => A lot. WE think, the this version is used to enable encapsulation, i.e. data hiding. It helps to manipulate private variables. Let us look at the following example:

var AdultPerson = function() {

  var age;

  this.setAge = function(val) {
    // some housekeeping
    age = val >= 18 && val;

  this.getAge = function() {
    return age;

  this.isValid = function() {
    return !!age;
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Now, the prototype structure can be applied as following: Different adults have different ages, but all of the adults get the same rights. So, we add it using prototype, rather than this.

AdultPerson.prototype.getRights = function() {
  // Should be valid
  return this.isValid() && ['Booze', 'Drive'];
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var p1 = new AdultPerson;
p1.setAge(12); // ( age = false )
console.log(p1.getRights()); // false ( Kid alert! )
p1.setAge(19); // ( age = 19 )
console.log(p1.getRights()); // ['Booze', 'Drive'] ( Welcome AdultPerson )

var p2 = new AdultPerson;
console.log(p2.getRights()); // The same getRights() method, *** not a new copy of it ***

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