it students

Understanding the Benefits

Earning academic credit for an student internship it offers a multitude of benefits:

Integration of Theory and Practice

Academic credit ensures that internship for be students are seamlessly integrated into the academic curriculum, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms and practical application in professional settings.

Recognition of Learning

Academic credit acknowledges the skills, competencies, and experiences acquired during the internship, providing formal recognition of the it students learning journey within the academic transcript.

Fulfilment of Degree Requirements

In many educational programs, it internships can fulfil specific degree requirements, offering students a structured pathway to graduation while gaining valuable industry experience.

Professional Development

By earning academic credit, it student are encouraged to engage more deeply in the internship experience, setting and achieving learning objectives, seeking feedback, and reflecting on their professional growth.

Navigating the Process

The process of securing academic credit for an internship it student typically involves the following steps:

Consultation with Academic Advisor

Begin by consulting with your academic advisor or internship coordinator to understand the academic credit policies, eligibility criteria, and procedural requirements specific to your educational institution and program of study.

Research and Secure Internship Placement

Explore online internship for it students opportunities aligned with your IT interests and career goals. Ensure that the internship meets the criteria set forth by your educational institution for receiving academic credit.

Review Internship Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the internship guidelines established by your educational institution. These guidelines may outline expectations such as minimum duration, supervision requirements, and learning objectives.

Submit Internship Proposal

Prior to commencing the internship it student , prepare and submit a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, learning goals, supervision arrangements, and assessment methods. Seek approval from your academic advisor or internship coordinator.

Enrolment in Internship Course

Enrol in the designated internships and training course offered by your educational institution. This course may involve classroom sessions, seminars, assignments, and evaluations designed to complement the internship experience.

Completion of Internship Requirements

Throughout the internship work from home with certificate for students , fulfil the requirements outlined in your proposal, actively participate in assigned tasks, engage with supervisors and mentors, and document your learning journey.

Submission of Documentation

Upon completion of the internship for it students , compile and submit required documentation, which may include supervisor evaluations, work samples, reflective essays, and other assessment materials as specified by your educational institution.

Academic Evaluation and Credit Allocation

Your academic advisor or it internship companies coordinator will evaluate your internship experience based on the established criteria and allocate academic credit accordingly. Ensure that you meet all requirements to receive credit for your internship.

Topics covered at Kaashiv infotech company for IT internships :

Machine Learning – Python & R-Programming

  • Python Programming, Python Basics to Advanced, Python Class/Objects, Machine Learning Algorithm, Designing and Implementing, Supervised reduction, Prediction and Detection techniques. (Artificial Intelligence based Machine Learning Hands-On)

Web Designing & Website Penetration Testing

  • HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, Scripting and Styling – Mobile Penetration Testing – Panache Controller Designing. (Live Website Creation, CSS, Web Integration – Basics to Advanced Hands-on)

IOT (Internet of Things) / Cloud Computing

  • IOT Programming, Cloud Computing, Cloud Types, Cloud Models, Cloud Configurations, Cloud Integration, Cloud deployment, Hardware Implementation, IOT Project Creation. (Live Implementation / Training – Coding with AI Supervised logics)

Block Chain – Ethical Hacking + Folder Closet Programming

  • (Live Server Hack / Live Facebook, Gmail Hack / Windows OS Hack / Website Hack) (Live Implementation / Training – Hands-on)

CCNA / Networking

  • Network Electronics Devices, Switches and Routers, OSI Model, TCS/IP Model, UDP Model, Networking Commands, Protocol Creations, IP Addressing / CCNA Concepts, Routing, Switching. (Live Implementation / Training)


  • PHP Conditions, PHP Database Connectivity Coding, MYSQL Queries. (Live Implementation / Training)

Mobile Compatible Website Development

  • Mobile App Creation, Introduction, Mobile App Compatible website creations, Conditions on Mobile App Creations. (Live Implementation / Training)

Mobile App Development (Android / IOS)

  • Android / IOS Mobile App Creation, Controls, UI Designs, Page navigation, Full Mobile App Development. (Live Implementation / Training)

How to Apply for IT Internship

it studentsApply for internship


Contact Number / WhatsApp Number

Mobile 1: 7667662428

Mobile 2: 7667663035

Mobile 3: 9840678906

Email ID

[email protected]

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