[Solved-5 Solutions] Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed - git

Error Description:

    • We can clone a copy of this repo over HTTPS authenticated.
    • We have made some commits and want to come back to the GitHub server. Using Cygwin on Windows 7 x64.
    C:\cygwin\home\XPherior\Code\lunch_call>git push
    error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing https://MichaelDrog
    [email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git/info/refs
    fatal: HTTP request failed

    Solution 1:

      Github give the idea it supports ssh way to read & write the repo, whereas https way also displayed 'Read & Write'.

      • Now you need to change your repo config on your PC to ssh way:

      1. Edit .git/config file under your repo directory
      2. Find url=entry under section [remote "origin"]
      3. Change it from url=https://[email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git to url=ssh://[email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git. ie, change all the texts before @ symbol to ssh://git
      4. Save config file and quit. You can use git push origin master to sync your repo on GitHub

      Solution 2:

        • To login using https protocol, you should first set your authentication credential to the git Remote URI:
        git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/user/repo.git
        • Now you'll be asked for a password when try to git push.
        • In fact, this is on the http authentication format. Now you have to set a password :
        https://youruser:[email protected]/user/repo.git
        • You should be aware that your github password will be stored in plaintext in your .git directory, which is undesirable.

        Solution 3:

          • On behalf of editing .git/config file manually, you can use git remote set-url command.
          • In your case it should be:
          git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git

          Solution 4:

            • Edit .git/config file under your repo directory
            • Find url= entry under section [remote "origin"]
            • Change it from url=https://github.com/rootux/ms-Dropdown.git to https://[email protected]/rootux/ms-Dropdown.git
            • Where USERNAME is your github user name

            Solution 5:

              • When permission denied 403 error while using ssh(according to Xiao) or http urls you can also try these commands
              git config --global --unset-all credential.helper
              git config --unset-all credential.helper

              With administrator rights

              git config --system --unset-all credential.helper

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