• In python a namespace is a system that has a unique name for each and every object.
  • An object might be a method or a variable and python itself maintains a namespace in the form of a Python dictionary.
  • Inside every directory that one can have multiple directories having a file with the same name.
  • The role of a namespace is like a surname, in real time example.
  • Python interpreter understands what exact method or variable one is trying to point to in the code, depending upon the namespace, on similar lines.
  • In this Name which means name, a unique identifier and Space which talks something related to scope.
  • In python a name might be of any method or variable and space depends upon the location from where is trying to access a variable or a method.
  • The namespace consists of three types, they are global namespace, built-in namespace, local namespace.

  • If python interpreter runs solely without any user-defined modules, methods, classes, etc. Some functions like print (), id () is always present, these are built-in namespaces.
  • If user creates a module, a global namespace gets created, later the creation of local functions creates the local namespace.
  • The global namespace encompasses the local namespace and built-in namespace encompasses global namespace.
  • If scope of an object ends, the lifetime of that namespace comes to an end, so the lifetime of a namespace depends upon the scope of objects.
  • Hence there is no possible to access the inner namespace’s objects from an outer namespace.

Sample Code

# Python program processing
# global variable

count = 10
def some_method ():
global count
count = count + 10
some_method ()


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