
The bed is considered one of the essential furniture pieces in the bedroom. After that, the other most important piece is the wardrobe. Given that it is most likely the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed, it is necessary that it is pleasant to look at. Additionally, apart from the looks, it should also be functional so that you can get dressed without hassles. While purchasing online through websites like Wakefit is easy and convenient, one should make informed decisions. So here is a complete guide on wardrobes that can make picking one easy.

Layout and Size of the Room

When you are considering the wardrobe design, considering the layout and size of the room is important. That will help you determine how big or small the wardrobe can be and also the location. Knowing the layout and size helps you decide whether you can go for a lavish walk-in closet, a sliding wardrobe or a stand-alone one. Apart from that, also consider what you want to store in it as that helps you choose the right module. For example, if you need more hanging space than shelves or drawers, you can choose accordingly. You can ask yourself the below questions:

  • What will the storage space be used for when you purchase a wardrobe online? Rummage through your existing clothing and take stock of the things you want to store. It can be clothes, linen, shoes, accessories and more.
  • What storage is needed: Determine whether you need more hanging space or storage space. If you have many sarees or suits, more hanging space may be necessary, But also bear in mind that you will need drawer space for your undergarments, belts, socks, etc. Whether it is hanging space or drawers/shelves, determine the height needed.
  • Who is the target audience? If the wardrobe is for your kid’s room or the guest room, you will not need more hanging space. You will need more drawers on the lower shelf for the elderly or the kids to reach items easily.

Choosing the Wardrobe Style

The next in the wardrobe guide is to know about the various wardrobe styles so that you can choose the one that suits your space and the requirements,

  • Built-in wardrobes: These are wardrobe ideas that use a dedicated space. These are customised as per the size of the alcove. The shutters of the wardrobes are in line with the wall and look like part of the wall. These are immovable structures and, once built, cannot be moved around.
  • Standalone wardrobes are the most popular choice and can be placed against the wall. These can be moved and placed where you deem fit but can occupy floor space depending on the door configurations. These are wardrobes with drawers, shelves and hanging space.
  • Sliding door wardrobes are ideal for spaces where the floor space is premium. It can be used in places where there is no clearance for doors to open. The drawback is that only one portion is accessible at a time.
  • Walk-in wardrobes are among the designs that are considered luxurious. These can be placed between the bathroom and bedroom for greater convenience.
  • Wardrobe and dresser: Another common but popular wardrobe design has wardrobes with a dresser. There can be several wardrobe doors with a dresser built-in with a mirror. Some wardrobes with mirrors may come with an open shelf.
  • Wardrobe with loft: These are wardrobes with additional storage space that uses the vertical space. When you have too much stuff that cannot fit into even a 4-door wardrobe, you can choose to have a loft too.

Wardrobe Materials

When choosing the materials, look for options with less warping and bending. Also, since these are not placed in bathrooms or kitchens, they may not be water-resistant. The most popular materials for wooden wardrobes online is plywood, MDF or engineered wood. Plywood is ideal for places with high humidity, whereas engineered wood is popular where there is no high humidity. For the shutters, it is recommended to use HDF or high-density fiberwood.

When it comes to exterior finishes, there are many different kinds available, ranging from glossy to matte finish. Some of the popular choices are:

  • Veneers
  • Laminates
  • Lacquer
  • Paint
  • Mirrors
  • Acrylics
  • Glass


The wardrobe will be the second vital furniture piece in the bedroom but should it mean you spend a huge amount of money to buy it? No, you don’t have to as you can get the perfect wardrobe that suits your requirements and is within the budget. Many manufacturers offer stylish storage options at discounted prices and deals without compromising quality. While making the purchase make sure there is a warranty period for surety of the product.

A wardrobe is an essential part of the bedroom, and it has to be a sturdy and reliant piece of furniture. It helps to add to the aesthetics and provides a place to store your possession. It removes the clutter in your bedroom and allows you to stay organised. So while buying the wardrobe, consider the above things and buy the best wardrobe.

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