• We pass a prop with another component with the help of all the components that come between, this method is known as prop drilling.
  • Prop drilling is basically a situation when the same data is being sent at almost every level due to requirements in the final level.
  • We refer prop drilling to the process of sending props from a higher-level component to a lower-level component.


For example,

  import React, { useState } from "react";

function Parent() {
const [fName, setfName] = useState("firstName");
const [lName, setlName] = useState("LastName");
return (
<div>This is a Parent component</div>
<br />
<ChildA fName={fName} lName={lName} />

function ChildA({ fName, lName }) {
return (
This is ChildA Component.
<br />
<ChildB fName={fName} lName={lName} />

function ChildB({ fName, lName }) {
return (
This is ChildB Component.
<br />
<ChildC fName={fName} lName={lName} />

function ChildC({ fName, lName }) {
return (
This is ChildC component.
<br />
<h3> Data from Parent component is as follows:</h3>

export default Parent;



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