Baccarat, a classic card game often associated with elegance, has successfully entered the world of online casinos. It has slowly become one of the most popular online casino games, with each player testing their luck and playing a hand at the table. If you are new to the baccarat game and want to learn the ins and outs of it, this blog will tell you all about the game and reveal the top tips to win maximum bets.

Understanding Baccarat

James Bond’s favourite, Baccarat, is a simple guessing game where you must bet on one of the three hands available. These are the banker’s hand, the player’s hand, and a tie. It would help to bet on the winning hand before dealing the cards. The main components of Baccarat include:

● The Cards

A standard deck of cards is used in Baccarat, and each card has an assigned point. Aces are worth one point. Kings, queens, jacks and tens are worth zero points. The other cards retain their face value.

● The Hands

In Baccarat, two hands are dealt. One hand is the ‘player’ hand, and the other hand is the ‘banker’ hand. All players place bets on the hand they believe will win or if there will be a tie. The words ‘players’ and ‘bankers’ do not mean anything and are just used for the sake of the keep. Remember, you do not have to be one of the two to bet. Anyone can bet on any hand at Baccarat.

● The Scoring

The total value of the hand helps decide the winning hand. A bet on the total hand value closest to 9 wins will have its total value calculated by adding the point value of each card in the hand. Only the number’s last digit is considered if the total value exceeds single digits. If a hand’s total value is 15, then the hand’s value is considered 5.

How to Play Baccarat?

You first place a bet on the banker’s, player’s hand or tie. The dealer then deals four cards. The first card is dealt face-up on the player’s box. Then, a card is placed on the dealer’s box. It is repeated so that both boxes have two cards each.

l  Natural Win:

After all the cards have been revealed, the total for each hand is calculated. The hand, with a total of 8 or 9 wins, is declared a natural hand.

l  Third Card:

An additional card may be drawn up if none of the hands reach 8 or 9. Online baccarat games draw additional cards automatically based on their rules.

All you need to do is guess which hand is about to win the next round and place a bet even before dealing with the cards. If your guess is correct, you will make the bet.

Tips to Win Baccarat

When the game is this simple and based purely on luck, how can a player increase their chances of winning? Here are some strategies to try on your next baccarat game:

● Bet on the Banker

Betting on the banker is the most popular baccarat strategy. The banker’s hand has the lowest house edge. It usually has a higher chance of winning since casinos make a 5% commission on winning the banker’s hand. If you win your banker’s bet, you lose some profit, but winning in the long term is still a preferred strategy.

● Avoid the Tie Bet

A tie bet has the highest payout and house edge in Baccarat. Betting odds on a tie are much lower than the other two, which makes the tie bet a risky wager. It is always better to focus on the banker’s and the player’s hand for the long term due to their better-winning odds and lower house edge.

● Betting Systems

There are various betting systems that you can use, such as Martingale, 1-3-2-6, Fibonacci, Paroli, and more, which help you maintain control over your bankroll through structured betting strategies. However, these strategies do not guarantee a win. They do help you regain what you have lost up to a point.

● Set a Budget

When playing Baccarat online, it is best to create a fixed budget and stick to it. Leave the game once you have exhausted that budget to ensure you stay focused while trying to win. It helps keep losses in check.


Baccarat is a beginner-friendly game that you get better at with practice. To develop your Baccarat winning strategy, try playing Baccarat in short sessions first to keep your budget in control while learning the game’s rules and trying out all strategies. Once you know how to navigate the table, you can move on to placing bigger bets that are more likely to win. Go for reliable online casino website that offer a range of bonuses and promotions you can use to increase your deposits, get cashback, try free spins and much more.

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