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Returns a substring of a string object. Same interface as String#[]

str = "hello"      # => "h"   # => "ell"     # => "l" # => "lo"      # => nil  # => ""
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Returns a substring from the given position to the end of the string.

str = "hello"
str.from(0)  # => "hello"
str.from(3)  # => "lo"
str.from(-2) # => "lo"
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Returns a substring from the beginning of the string to the given position. If the position is negative, it is counted from the end of the string.

str = "hello"  # => "h"  # => "hell" # => "hell"
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from and to can be used in tandem.

str = "hello"
str.from(0).to(-1) # => "hello"
str.from(1).to(-2) # => "ell"
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Returns the first character, or a given number of characters up to the length of the string.

str = "hello"
str.first    # => "h"
str.first(1) # => "h"
str.first(2) # => "he"
str.first(0) # => ""
str.first(6) # => "hello"
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Returns the last character, or a given number of characters from the end of the string counting backwards.

str = "hello"
str.last    # => "o"
str.last(1) # => "o"
str.last(2) # => "lo"
str.last(0) # => ""
str.last(6) # => "hello"
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