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A has_one association sets up a one-to-one connection with another model, but with different semantics. This association indicates that each instance of a model contains or possesses one instance of another model.


Each user in our application has only one account, We'd declare the user model like this:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_one :account
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In Active Record, when we have a has_one relation, active record assume the only one record exists with the foreign key.


  • In accounts table, there can only be one record with a particular user_id.
  • If we try to associate one more account for the same user, it makes the previous entry's foreign key as null(making it orphan) and creates a new one automatically.
  • It makes the previous entry null even if the save fails for the new entry to maintain consistency.
user = User.first
user.build_account(name: "sample")   [Saves it successfully, and creates an entry in accounts table with user_id 1]
user.build_account(name: "sample1")  [automatically makes the previous entry's foreign key null]  [creates the new account with name sample 1 and user_id 1]
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