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Introduction to callbacks in ruby on rails

A callback is a method that gets called at specific moments of an object's lifecycle (right before or after creation, deletion, update, validation, saving or loading from the database). For instance, say you have a listing that expires within 30 days of creation. One way to do that is like this:

class Listing < ApplicationRecord
  after_create :set_expiry_date


  def set_expiry_date
    expiry_date = + 30.days
    self.update_column(:expires_on, expiry_date)
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All of the available methods for callbacks are as follows, in the same order that they are called during the operation of each object:

Creating an Object

  • before_validation
  • after_validation
  • before_save
  • around_save
  • before_create
  • around_create
  • after_create
  • after_save
  • after_commit/after_rollback

Updating an Object

  • before_validation
  • after_validation
  • before_save
  • around_save
  • before_update
  • around_update
  • after_update
  • after_save
  • after_commit/after_rollback

Destroying an Object

  • before_destroy
  • around_destroy
  • after_destroy
  • after_commit/after_rollback

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