The different types of databases are:

Hierarchical Database

  • In this database data is organized in a tree like structure.
  • Data is stored in the form of either top down or bottom up approach.
  • Data in this database is represented in the form of parent-child relationship.
  • In this database parents have many children but child can have only single parent.

Network Database

  • In database children can have more than one parents.
  • Many to many relationship complexities can be reduced in this database.
  • Here entities are organized in a graphical format which can be accessed through several paths.

 Relational Database

  • One of the widely used and easy to use database is relational database.
  • Normalizing of data in the row and column can be acheived using relational database.
  • These relational models are stored in fixed structures and are manipulated using SQL.

Object Oriented Database

  • Data in these database are stored in the form of objects.
  • The structure that displays data within it is are called as classess.
  • Class is a component of database that displays database as a collection of objects which can store both data members values and operations.

Personal Database

  • Collecting and storing data on a personal system is known as Personal Database.
  • This database is designed only for a single user.
  • These type of databases are very easy to handle.
  • As the size of these database is very small, it needs less storage space.

Operational Database

  • Databases that gets created and updated in real time is called as Operational Database.
  • These types of databases are designed for executing and handling daily operations like per day transactions of several business.

Enterprise Database

  • For managing huge amount of data organization or enterprise uses these types of database and it helps them to increase and improve their efficiency.
  • Simultaneous access to multiple users can be done using these databases.
  • We can use Multiple process on these type of databases.
  • Parallel execution of queries on the system is allowed in these databases.

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