Acquiring new customers for your online store can be a huge challenge. The eCommerce industry is fiercely competitive and consumers tend to stick to the larger, more trusted brands which makes it difficult to succeed when you are just starting out. Acquiring new customers becomes much easier once you start to build a reputation and solid existing customer base, but how do you go about doing this?

There are a few steps to take which should help you to quickly start acquiring new customers which will, hopefully, drive further success.

Read on for five ideas to follow.

Expand Product Line

One smart strategy is to expand your product line as this will help you to target a much larger customer base. It is a smart idea to sell products which are currently trending and predicted to grow over the coming years, but it should also be something that is relevant to what you currently sell. If you sell gym and sports clothing, for example, then you could expand into supplements, exercise equipment, and healthy snacks.

Digital Marketing

Increasing your visibility is one of the most effective ways that you can acquire new customers. Smaller ecommerce stores struggle to place their products in front of their target audience but by using the services of a digital marketing agency you should soon start to see more traffic at your store and it is then a case of converting these visitors into customers.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful tool for converting visitors into customers because it provides social proof and gives the visitor an idea of what the product and shopping experience will be like. Put these testimonials in highly visible places (like the homepage and on social media) and you should soon start to notice a boost in sales.

Improve Shopping Experience

Following this, you need to be able to provide a good shopping experience for the customer as otherwise they will simply go with the competition. One way to make your store stand out and to improve the customer experience is by using the best augmented reality apps. This will allow the visitor to view the product in a real-world situation on their device – ecommerce has limitations in that people cannot physically hold products in their hands, but augmented reality fixes this problem and can be highly effective for improving sales and brand reputation.

Discounts & Deals

Everyone likes to take advantage of a good discount or deal, and this is a smart way to attract customers from the competition. Promotions for the holidays are always worthwhile and can be helpful for both attracting and retaining customers. The cost of running these discounts and deals should be recouped in the increase in the number of customers that you receive.

Any ecommerce store owner looking to acquire new customers should combine the above strategies which should deliver powerful results. Customer acquisition is tricky when it comes to ecommerce, as there is so much competition but it is possible and these tips should help your business to thrive.

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