Azure - Azure tutorial - developer mode in Azure

Azure - tutorial

Getting started with azure

Azure Powershell

Azure Storage Options

Azure Virtual Machines


Azure Resource Manager Templates

Azure Media Service Account

Azure Service Fabric

Azure DocumentDB

Azure Active Directory - tutorial

Getting started with azure-active-directory

Azure Active Directory B2C

Azure Active Directory B2C implementation using Hello.js

Azure Active Directory B2C implementation using ADAL Cordova Plugins

Azure Functions - tutorial

Getting started with azure-functions

Azure Service Bus - tutorial

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Azure Web Jobs - tutorial

Getting started with azure-webjobs

Azure Webjobs SDK

Azure Web Sites - tutorial

Getting started with Azure Web Sites

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Database Transaction Units (DTUs)

This Azure tutorial provides you the following points such as Login to Azure , Selecting subscription , Classic mode vs ARM mode , Get the Current Azure PowerShell Version , Managing Traffic Managers , Manipulate Azure Assets , Connect to an account (.NET) , Create a collection (.NET) , Create a database (.NET) , Create JSON documents (.NET) , Query for documents (.NET) in Azure

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