AngularJS $interval

  • The $interval is an AngularJS service used to call a function continuously on a specified time interval.
  • The $interval service similar to $timeout service but the difference is $timeout executed only ones in specified time but $interval executed continuously.

Syntax for $interval Service in AngularJS:

$interval([function], [delaytime], [count], [invokeApply], [parameter]);

Parameter Values of $interval Service in AngularJS:

Parameter Description
function The functional part to be executed using $interval Service.
delaytime Delay time in milliseconds.
count No of times to repeat the interval service.
invokeApply Boolean value to specifies to invoke $apply or not.
parameter Additional parameters to $interval service.

Methods of $interval Service in AngularJS:

  • $interval.cancel(); is used to cancel the $interval service.

Sample code for $interval Service in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
        angular.min.js"> </script>
        <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="timeCtrl">
            <h3>Wikitechy $interval Service</h3>
            <input type="button" value="Start" ng-click="Start()" />
            <input type="button" value="Stop" ng-click="Stop()" />
            <input type="button" value="Reset" ng-click="Reset()" />
            <h3> {{time}} </h3>
            var app = angular.module( 'myApp', [] );
            app.controller("timeCtrl", function($scope, $interval) {
                $scope.time = 0;
                    $scope.Start = function () {
                         $scope.Timer =$interval(function () {
                              $scope.time = $scope.time+1;
                         }, 1000);
                    $scope.Stop = function () {
                         if (angular.isDefined($scope.Timer)) {
                    $scope.Reset = function () {
                         $scope.time = 0;


  • Set of data has been used in $interval service for our AngularJS Application.
time = 0;


  • Viewable HTML contents in AngularJS Application.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="timeCtrl">
    <h3>Wikitechy $interval Service</h3>
    <input type="button" value="Start" ng-click="Start()" />
    <input type="button" value="Stop" ng-click="Stop()" />
    <input type="button" value="Reset" ng-click="Reset()" />
    <h3> {{time}} </h3>


  • Controller logic for the AngularJS application.
app.controller("timeCtrl", function($scope, $interval) {
    $scope.time = 0;
        $scope.Start = function () {
            $scope.Timer =$interval(function () {
                $scope.time = $scope.time+1;
                }, 1000);
        $scope.Stop = function () {
            if (angular.isDefined($scope.Timer)) {
        $scope.Reset = function () {
            $scope.time = 0;

Code Explanation for $interval Service in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS $interval

  1. The ng-controller is a directive to control the AngularJS Application.
  2. The button to call Start() function and defines to increase 1 for every 1000milliseconds (1 second).
  3. The button to call Stop() function defines $interval.cancel method to stop.
  4. The button to call Reset() function defines to reset the value to zero.
  5. The {{time}} to bind the data in <h3> tag.
  6. The “timeCtrl” used to create the controller for the Application with arguments $scope object and $interval service.
  7. The $scope.time = 0; is used to set initial time to zero.
  8. The Start function is used to start the timer.
  9. The $interval service is used to specify set of instructions executed in specified time delay continuously.
  10. The Stop function is used to stop the timer.
  11. The $interval.cancel is used to specify cancel the $interval service.
  12. The Reset function is used to reset the timer.

Sample Output for $interval Service in AngularJS:

Sample Output1 for AngularJS $interval

  1. The timer is “0” displayed when page loads.
  2. Sample Output2 for AngularJS $interval

  3. When user click the Start button then the timer starts and increase one for every 1000 milliseconds(1 seconds).
  4. Sample Output3 for AngularJS $interval

  5. When user click the Stop button then the timer stops.
  6. Sample Output4 for AngularJS $interval

  7. When user click the Reset button then the timer has been reset.

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