AngularJS ng-model

  • ng-model directive is used to bind the following HTML controllers like inputs, textarea, select
  • The ng-model directive stores the value of the input field from a variable.
  • The ng-model supports two-way binding that means, if the user changed the input field value then display values will be auto-synchronized.
  • The ng-model also supports
    • To validate application data based on their types (email, number, required).
    • To validate application data based on their status (invalid, touched, dirty, error).
    • supports CSS classes for HTML elements.
    • Bind HTML elements to HTML forms.

Syntax for ng-model directive in AngularJS

<element ng-model= “name” ></element>

Applies to:

Elements Attribute
<input> ng-model
<select> ng-model
<textarea> ng-model

Parameter value for ng-model directive in AngularJS:

Value Description
name The input name stores/updates the value of the input field into/from a variable.

Sample coding for ng-model directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
        angular.min.js"> </script>
        <h2>Wikitechy ng-model in AngularJS </h2>
        <div ng-app=" ">
            Enter Text : <input ng-model="text">
            <h3 ng-bind="text"></h3>

ng-model directive declaration in AngularJS:

The ng-model bind an input field value to AngularJS application variable by using ng-model name as “text”.

Enter Text : <input ng-model="text">

Code Explanation for ng-model directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for ng-model Directive In AngularJS

    1. AngularJS is distributed as a JavaScript file, and can be added to a HTML page with a <script> tag.
    2. The AngularJS application is defined by ng-app=" ". The application runs inside the <div> tag. It’s also used to define a <div> tag as a root element.
    3. The ng-model bind an input field value to AngularJS application variable by using ng-model name as “text”.
    4. The ng-bind is used to bind the content of the HTML <input> field value to application data.

    Sample Output for ng-model directive in AngularJS :

      Sample Output for ng-model Directive In Angularjs

    1. The output displays the textbox.

    2. Sample Output1 for ng-model Directive In Angularjs

    3. The output shows a two-way binding. If the user type “Welcome To AngularJS tutorials” in textbox then the AngularJS using ng-model for displayed that text.

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