oauth tutorial - OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Requests and Response - oauth2 tutorial - oauth authentication

What is requests and response?

Request-response, or request-reply, is one of the basic methods computers use to communicate with each other, in which the first computer sends a request for some data and the second computer responds to the request.

 process of oauth2.0 resource owner password credentials grant

Learn OAuth 2.0 - OAuth 2.0 tutorial - process of oauth2.0 resource owner password credentials grant - OAuth 2.0 examples - OAuth 2.0 programs

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Request

The request contains the following parameters:

Parameters Description
grant_type Required. Must be set to password
username Required. The username of the resource owner, UTF-8 encoded.
password Required. The password of the resource owner, UTF-8 encoded.
scope Optional. The scope of the authorization.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Response

The response is a JSON structure containing the access token. The JSON structure looks like this:

{ "access_token"  : "...",
  "token_type"    : "...",
  "expires_in"    : "...",
  "refresh_token" : "...",
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  • The access_token property is the access token as assigned by the authorization server.
  • The token_type property is a type of token assigned by the authorization server.
  • The expires_in property is a number of seconds after which the access token expires, and is no longer valid. Expiration of access tokens is optional.
  • The refresh_token property contains a refresh token in case the access token can expire.
  • The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token once the one returned in this response is no longer valid.

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