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Twitter oauth

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Implementing an OAuth Server

  • Find a server library already written:
  • A short list available here: http://oauth.net/2/
  • Read the spec of your chosen draft, in its entirety.
  • These people didn’t write the spec for you to ignore it.
  • Each word is chosen carefully.
  • Ultimately, each implementation is somewhat different, since in many cases the spec says SHOULD and leaves the choice up to the implementer.
  • Understand the security implications of the implementation choices you make.
  • Choose which grant types you want to support
    • Authorization Code – for traditional web apps
    • Implicit – for browser-based apps and mobile apps
    • Password – for your own website or mobile apps
    • Client Credentials – if applications can access resources on their own
    • Choose whether to support Bearer tokens, MAC or both
    • Define appropriate scopes for your service aaron.pk/

    oauth.net Website

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  • http://oauth.net
  • Source code available on Github
  • github.com/aaronpk/oauth.net

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