Function in R - r - learn r - r programming

  • Functions are used to logically break our code into simpler parts which become easy to maintain and understand.
  • It's pretty straightforward to create your own function in R programming.


func_name<- function (argument) {
  • Here, we can see that the reserved word function is used to declare a function in R.
  • The statements within the curly braces form the body of the function.
  • These braces are optional if the body contains only a single expression.
  • r programming functions in c

    Sample Functions in C

  • Finally, this function object is given a name by assigning it to a variable, func_name.

Sample Code

pow <- function(x, y) {
# function to print x raised to the power y

   result <- x^y
print(paste(x,"raised to the power", y, "is", result))
  • Here, we created a function called pow()
  • It takes two arguments, finds the first argument raised to the power of second argument and prints the result in appropriate format.
  • We have used a built-in function paste() which is used to concatenate strings.

How to call a function ?

  • We can call the above function as follows.
>pow(8, 2)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"

>pow(2, 8)
[1] "2 raised to the power 8 is 256"
  • Here, the arguments used in the function declaration (x and y) are called formal arguments and those used while calling the function are called actual arguments.

Named Arguments

  • In the above function calls, the argument matching of formal argument to the actual arguments takes place in positional order.
  • This means that, in the call pow(8,2), the formal arguments x and y are assigned 8 and 2 respectively.
  • We can also call the function using named arguments.
  • When calling a function in this way, the order of the actual arguments doesn't matter.
  • For example, all of the function calls given below are equivalent.
>pow(8, 2)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"

>pow(x = 8, y = 2)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"

>pow(y = 2, x = 8)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"
  • Furthermore, we can use named and unnamed arguments in a single call.
  • In such case, all the named arguments are matched first and then the remaining unnamed arguments are matched in a positional order.
>pow(x=8, 2)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"

>pow(2, x=8)
[1] "8 raised to the power 2 is 64"
  • In all the examples above, x gets the value 8 and y gets the value 2.

Default Values for Arguments

  • We can assign default values to arguments in a function in R.
  • This is done by providing an appropriate value to the formal argument in the function declaration.
  • Here is the above function with a default value for y.
pow <- function(x, y = 2) {
# function to print x raised to the power y
   result <- x^y
print(paste(x,"raised to the power", y, "is", result))
  • The use of default value to an argument makes it optional when calling the function.
[1] "3 raised to the power 2 is 9"

[1] "3 raised to the power 1 is 3"
  • Here, y is optional and will take the value 2 when not provided.

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