java tutorial - Java valueOf() method - java programming - learn java - java basics - java for beginners

Java numbers value of

Learn Java - Java tutorial - Java numbers value of - Java examples - Java programs


  • The valueOf () method - returns the corresponding numeric object containing the value of the passed argument, in simple words - converts it to the desired data type.
  • The argument can be converted to int, double, float and other data types, for example, you can convert a string to a number.
  • The valueOf () method in Java is a static method. A method can take two arguments, where one is a string and another number system.


All variants of the method are given below:

static Integer valueOf(int i)
static Integer valueOf(String s)
static Integer valueOf(String s, int radix)
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Detailed information about the parameters:

  • i - int, for which the integer representation will be returned.
  • s - String for which the integer representation will be returned.
  • radix - can be used to decide what integer value will be returned to based on the String passed.

Return value

  • valueOf (int i): returns an integer object containing the value of the identified type.
  • valueOf (String s): returns an Integer object containing the value of the identified string representation.
  • valueOf (String s, int radix): returns an integer object taking an integer value of the identified string illustration, described with the value of the integer system.

Sample Code

public class Test{ 

   public static void main(String args[]){
      Integer x = Integer.valueOf(9);
      Double c = Double.valueOf(5);
      Float a = Float.valueOf("80");               

      Integer b = Integer.valueOf("444",16);

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