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  • Before moving on to learning, we'll start with the introduction to java programming; let's see what kind of programming language it is. A bit of history.
  • The Java language was developed by Sun Microsystems, created by James Gosling, and released in 1995 as the core components of Sun Microsystems - Java platforms.
  • Sun Microsystems renamed the previous version of J2 and introduced new ones: Java SE, Java EE and Java ME. Introduction to Java programming of various versions was confirmed by the famous slogan of the company “Write once, run everywhere”

History of the Java language

  • The history of creating the Java language begins in June 1991, when James Gosling created a project for use in one of his many set-top projects.
  • A language that grew outside Gosling's office as an oak, Oak was the original name for Java until 1995, afterwards the Java history continued under the name Green , and later it was renamed as Java.
  • But the official date for creating the Java language is May 23, 1995, after Sun released the first implementation of Java 1.0. It guaranteed “Write once, run everywhere”, providing inexpensive cost on popular platforms.
  • In 13th November 2006, The Sun Microsystems was released its larger part as open source and free below the license of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
  • After May 8, 2007, the destiny of Java was totally different. The company completed the process, making sure that the source code was free and open, except for a small part of the code, to which the company did not have copyright.

Advantages of Java as a programming language

  • Object-oriented : In Java everything is an object. The addition can be easily extended, since it is based on the object model.
  • Platform independent: Unlike many other languages, including C and C ++, Java, when it was created, it was not compiled in the platform of a particular machine, but in a platform-independent bytecode. This bytecode is distributed over the Internet and interpreted in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on which it is currently running.
  • Simple : The learning processes and introduction to the Java programming language remain simple. If you understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming, then it will be easy for you to master.
  • Secure : Authentication methods are based on public key encryption.
  • Architectural-neutral : The compiler generates architecturally neutral file format objects, which makes the compiled code executable on many processors, with the presence of the Java Runtime system
  • Portable : Architecturally neutral and non-implementation-specific aspects of specifications-all this provides Java compact (portable). The compiler in Java is written in ANSI C with pure compatibility that is a subset of POSIX.
  • Durable : It does its best to remove errors in different situations, focusing mainly on compilation time, error checking, and run-time verification.
  • Multithreaded : Multithreading functions, you can write programs that can perform many tasks simultaneously. Introduction to the Java language of this constructive feature allows developers to create well-functioning interactive applications.
  • Interpreted : Java byte code is translated on the fly in machine instructions and is not saved anywhere. Making the process more rapid and analytical, since binding occurs as an additional process with a small weight.
  • High-performance : The introduction of Just-In-Time compiler, allowed to get high performance.
  • Distributed : Designed for distributed Internet environment.
  • Dynamic : Java programming is considered more dynamic than C or C ++, since it is designed to adapt to changing conditions. Programs can perform a large amount during processing of information that can be used to check and permit access to objects at runtime.

After a little introduction, a review of the benefits and history of Java, let's begin our training.

Tools that you need

To do the illustrations discussed in this tutorial, you require a Pentium 200 MHz computer with a base RAM of 64 MB (128 MB RAM is optional).

You will also need the following software:

  • Linux 7.1, Windows 95/98/2000/7/8 and higher or any other operating system.
  • JDK 5 and beyond.
  • Notepad or some other text editor.

Self-teacher will give the essential skills for making GUI, network and web applications.

  • Having familiarized yourself with the peculiarities of the appearance history and the advantages of Java, you have completed the introduction tutorial in the programming language.
  • The next lesson will lead you to learning the language and documentation. Instructs you about how to install and prepare the environment for application development.

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