java tutorial - Java xxxValue() Method - java programming - learn java - java basics - java for beginners

Java numbers xxxvalue

Learn Java - Java tutorial - Java numbers xxxvalue - Java examples - Java programs


The xxxValue () method - It converts to Java the numeric value of the object that invokes the method, into a primitive data type that is returned from the method.


  • At this point, each primitive data type denotes a separate method:
byte byteValue () // Convert to byte
short shortValue () // Convert to short
int intValue () // Convert to int
long longValue () // Convert to long
float floatValue () // Convert to float
double doubleValue () // Convert to double
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Detailed information about the parameters:

  • They are the default methods and do not transmit any parameter.

Return value

  • The xxxValue () method in Java returns a primitive data type that is specified in the signature.

Sample Code

public class Test {

   public static void main (String args []) {
      Integer x = 5;
      // Convert int to byte and return a primitive data type byte
      System.out.println (x.byteValue ());

      // Converts an int to double and returns a primitive data type double
      System.out.println (x.doubleValue ());

      // Convert int to long and returns a primitive data type long
      System.out.println (x.longValue ());
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