ReactJS Router - React Tutorial for Beginner

What is Router in ReactJS?

  • Routing being a key aspect of web applications (and even other platforms) could not be left out in React.
  • You can make full fleshed single page applications with React if we harness the powers of routing. This does not have to be a manual process, we can make use of React-Router.
 learn reactjs tutorial - reactjs router - reactjs example

Step 1: Install React Router

  • Simple way to install react-router is to run the following code snippet in command prompt window.
npm install react-router-dom --save
 learn reactjs tutorial - reactjs router - reactjs example

Step 2: Create Components

  • In this step, we are creating four components. The App component will be used as a tab menu.
  • The other three components (Wikitechy Home), (Wikitechy Blogs) and (Wikitechy Projects) are rendered once the route has changed.
  • To create an application with multiple page routes, let's first start with the file structure.
  • In the src folder, we'll create a folder named pages with several files:
  • src\pages\:
    • Layout.js
    • wikitechy-home.js
    • wikitechy-blogs.js
    • wikitechy-projects.js
    • NoPage.js
 learn reactjs tutorial - reactjs router - reactjs example

Pages / Components

  • The Layout component has <Outlet> and <Link> elements
  • The <Outlet> renders the recent route selected.
  • <Link> is used to set the URL and save path of browsing history
  • Everytime we link to an internal path, we will use <Link>instead of <a href="">.
  • The "layout route" is a shared component that inserts common content on all pages, such as a navigation menu.


import { Outlet, Link } from "react-router-dom";

const Layout = () => {
  return (
            <Link to="/">Wikitechy Home</Link>
            <Link to="/blogs">Wikitechy Blogs</Link>
            <Link to="/contact">Wikitechy 

      <Outlet />

export default Layout;


const NoPage = () => {
    return <h1>404</h1>;
  export default NoPage;


const Blogs = () => {
    return <h1>Wikitechy Course</h1>;
  export default Blogs;


const  Home = () => {
    return <h1>Welcome to Wikitechy Tutorial</h1>;
  export default  Home;


const Contact = () => {
    return <h1>Welcome to Wikitechy Projects</h1>;
  export default Contact;

Step 3 - Add Router

  • Now we want to add routes to our app.
  • Instead of rendering App element like in previous examples, this time the Router will be rendered.
  • We will also set components for each route.


Here we can use React Router to route to pages based on URL:

import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import Layout from "./pages/wikitechy-layout";
import WikitechyHome from "./pages/wikitechy-home";
import WikitechyBlogs from "./pages/wikitechy-blog";
import WikitechyProjects from "./pages/wikitechy-projects";
import NoPage from "./pages/NoPage";

export default function App() {
  return (
        <Route path="/" element={<Layout />}>
          <Route index element={<WikitechyHome />} />
          <Route path="blogs" element={<WikitechyBlogs />} />
          <Route path="contact" element={<WikitechyProjects />} />
          <Route path="*" element={<NoPage />} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

  • We wrap our content first with <BrowserRouter>.
  • Then we describe our <Routes>. An application can have multiple <Routes>. In this example only uses one.
  • <Routes> can be nested. The first <Route> has a path of / and renders the Layout component.
  • The nested <Routes>inherit and add to the parent route. So, the Wikitechy blogs path is joint with the parent and becomes /blogs.
  • The nested <Routes>inherit and add to the parent route. So, the Wikitechy blogs path is joint with the parent and becomes /blogs.
  • The Wikitechy Home component route does not have a path but has an index attribute. That requires this route as the default route for the par-ent route, which is /.
  • Setting the path to * will act as a catch-all for any undefined URLs. This is great for a 404 error page.


  • When the app is started, we will see three clickable links that can be used to change the route.
 learn reactjs tutorial - reactjs router - reactjs example

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