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What is Flux in Reactjs?

  • we will show you how to implement flux pattern in React applications.
  • We will use Redux framework.
  • It can present you the simplest example of every piece needed for connecting Redux and React.
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react js flux flow :

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Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

react js flux flow - Stores :

  • Stores contain the application state and logic.
  • Manage the state of many objects.
  • Do not represent a single record of data like ORM models do.
  • Store registers itself with the dispatcher and provides it with a callback.
  • learn react js - react js tutorial - react js flux flow - Stores -  react js programs
    Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

    react js flux flow - Views :

  • Typical React component.
  • After is mounted, it goes and get its initial state from Store and setup listener.
  • When it receives the event from the store, it first requests the new data it needs via the stores' public getter methods.
  • Then, it calls its own setState() method, causing its render() method and the render() method of all its descendants to run.
  • react js flux flow - Implement :

  • Flux is just an architect. So, you can design new framework by yourself base on this architect.
  • Many JavaScript libraries help you implement flux like:
  • learn react js - react js tutorial - react js flux code  -  react js programs

    react js flux flow - Full source code :

    Follow the below steps

    Step 1 - Installing Redux

    • We will install Redux in command prompt window.
    C:\Users\username\Desktop\reactApp>npm install --save react-redux
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    Step 2 - Create Files and Folders

    • In this step we will create folders and files for our actions, reducers and components.
    • After we are done with it, this is how the folder structure will look like.
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    create files in reactjs using flux - reactjs examples

    Step 3 - Actions

    • Actions are JavaScript objects that use type property to inform about the data that should be sent to the store.
    • We are defining ADD_TODO action that will be used for adding new item to our list.
    • The addTodo function is action creator that returns our action and sets an id for every created item.


    export const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO'
    let nextTodoId = 0;
    export function addTodo(text) {
       return {
          type: ADD_TODO,
          id: nextTodoId++,
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    Step 4 - Reducers

    • While actions only trigger changes in the app, the reducers specify those changes.
    • We are using switch statement to search for a ADD_TODO action.
    • The reducer is a function that takes two parameters (state and action) to calculate and return updated state.
    • The first function will be used to create new item, while the second one will push that item to the list.
    • At the end we are using combineReducers helper function where we can add any new reducers we might use in the future.


    import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
    import { ADD_TODO } from '../actions/actions'
    function todo(state, action) {
       switch (action.type) {
          case ADD_TODO:
             return {
                text: action.text,
          return state
    function todos(state = [], action) {
       switch (action.type) {
          case ADD_TODO:
             return [
                todo(undefined, action)
          return state
    const todoApp = combineReducers({
    export default todoApp
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    Step 5 - Store

    • The store is the place that holds the app's state.
    • It is very easy to create store once you have reducers.
    • We are passing store property to the provider element which wraps our route component.


    import React from 'react'
    import { render } from 'react-dom'
    import { createStore } from 'redux'
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
    import App from './App.jsx'
    import todoApp from './reducers/reducers'
    let store = createStore(todoApp)
    let rootElement = document.getElementById('app')
       <Provider store = {store}>
          <App />
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    Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

    Step 6 - Root Component

    • The App component is the root component of the app. Only root component should be aware of a redux.
    • The important part to notice is the connect function which is used for connecting our root component App to the store.
    • This function takes select function as an argument.
    • The select function takes state from the store and returns the props (visibleTodos) that we can use in our components.


    import React, { Component } from 'react'
    import { connect } from 'react-redux'
    import { addTodo } from './actions/actions'
    import AddTodo from './components/AddTodo.jsx'
    import TodoList from './components/TodoList.jsx'
    class App extends Component {
       render() {
          const { dispatch, visibleTodos } = this.props
          return (
                   onAddClick = {text ⇒
                <TodoList todos = {visibleTodos}/>
    function select(state) {
       return {
          visibleTodos: state.todos
    export default connect(select)(App)
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    Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

    Step 7 - Other Components

    • These components shouldn't be aware of the redux.


    import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
    export default class AddTodo extends Component {
       render() {
          return (
                <input type = 'text' ref = 'input' />
                <button onClick = {(e) ⇒ this.handleClick(e)}>
       handleClick(e) {
          const node = this.refs.input
          const text = node.value.trim()
          node.value = ''
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    import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
    export default class Todo extends Component {
       render() {
          return (
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    import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
    import Todo from './Todo.jsx'
    export default class TodoList extends Component {
       render() {
          return (
                { ⇒
                   key = {}
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    • When we start our app we will be able to add items to our list.
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    output in reactjs using flux - reactjs examples

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