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What is a view in a database?

  • A database view is a searchable object in a database that is defined by a query.
  • Though a view doesn't store data, some refer to a views as “virtual tables,” you can query a view like you can a table.
  • A view can combine data from two or more table, using joins, and also just contain a subset of information.
Hive View

Learn Hive Tutorials - Hive View - Hive Example

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What is an Index in DB?

  • An index is a copy of selected columns of data from a table that can be searched very efficiently that also includes a low-level disk block address or direct link to the complete row of data it was copied from.
  • Some databases extend the power of indexing by letting developers create indexes on functions or expressions.
Hive Multi Level Index

Learn Hive Tutorials - Hive Multi Level Index - Hive Example

How to create and manage views:

  • Views are generated based on user requirements.
  • We can save any result set data as a view.
  • The usage of view in Hive is same as that of the view in SQL. It is a standard RDBMS concept.
  • We can execute all DML operations on a view.
Hive Create And Indexes

Learn Hive Tutorials - Hive Create And Indexes - Hive Example

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Creating a View

  • To create a view at the time of executing a SELECT statement.
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CREATE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] view_name [(column_name [COMMENT column_comment], ...) ]
[COMMENT table_comment]
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  • Assume wikitechy_employee table as given below, with the fields Id, Name, Salary, Designation, and Dept.
  • Generate a query to retrieve the wikitechy_employee details who earn a salary of more than Rs 30000.
  • We store the result in a view named emp_30000.
| ID   | Name         | Salary      | Designation       | Dept   |
|1201  | Gopal        | 45000       | Technical manager | TP     |
|1202  | Manisha      | 45000       | Proofreader       | PR     |
|1203  | Masthanvali  | 40000       | Technical writer  | TP     |
|1204  | Krian        | 40000       | Hr Admin          | HR     |
|1205  | Kranthi      | 30000       | Op Admin          | Admin  |
  • The following below query retrieves the wikitechy_employee details:
hive> CREATE VIEW emp_30000 AS
SELECT * FROM wikitechy_employee
WHERE salary>30000;
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Dropping a View

  • Use the DROP VIEW statement to drop views. Any views that are dependent on the view being dropped are made inoperative.
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DROP VIEW view_name
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  • The following below query drops a view named as emp_30000:
hive> DROP VIEW emp_30000;
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Creating an Index

  • An Index is nothing but a pointer on a particular column of a table.
  • Creating an index means creating a pointer on a particular column of a table.
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CREATE INDEX index_name
ON TABLE base_table_name (col_name, ...)
AS 'index.handler.class.name'
[IDXPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]
[IN TABLE index_table_name]
[PARTITIONED BY (col_name, ...)]
   [ ROW FORMAT ...] STORED AS ...
   | STORED BY ...
[LOCATION hdfs_path]
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  • To Use the same wikitechy_employee table that we have used earlier with the fields Id, Name, Salary, Designation, and Dept.
  • To create an index named index_salary on the salary column of the wikitechy_employee table.
  • The following below query creates an index:
hive> CREATE INDEX inedx_salary ON TABLE wikitechy_employee(salary)
AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler';
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  • It is a pointer to the salary column.
  • If the column is modified, the changes are stored using an index value.
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Dropping an Index

  • To drop an index, the index must be contained in your schema, or you must have the DROP ANY INDEX system privilege.
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DROP INDEX <index_name> ON <table_name>
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  • The following below query drops an index named index_salary:
hive> DROP INDEX index_salary ON wikitechy_employee;
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