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What is Select-Group By in HiveQL ?

  • Here, We explains the details of GROUP BY clause in a SELECT statement.
  • The GROUP BY clause is used to group all the records in a result set using a particular collection column.
  • It is used to query a group of records.
  • The GROUP BY clause groups records into summary rows.GROUP BY returns one records for each group.
  • It typically also involves aggregates: COUNT, MAX, SUM, AVG, etc. And it can group by one or more columns.
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The GROUP BY clause’s important characteristics are:

  • The GROUP BY clause comes after the WHERE clause and before the ORDER BY clause.
  • Grouping columns can be column names or derived columns.
  • Every nonaggregate column in the SELECT clause must appear in the GROUP BY clause. This statement is illegal because pub_id isn’t in the GROUP BY clause:
SELECT type,  pub_id , COUNT(*) 
  FROM titles
 GROUP BY type;             --Illegal
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  • Because the GROUP BY can return only one row for each value of type, there’s no way to return multiple values of pub_id that are associated with any particular value of type.
  • If the SELECT clause contains a complex nonaggregate expression (more than just a simple column name), the GROUP BY expression must match the SELECT expression exactly.
  • Specify multiple grouping columns in the GROUP BY clause to nest groups. Data is summarized at the last specified group.
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Basic Syntax :

The syntax of GROUP BY clause is as follows:

SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, ... 
FROM table_reference 
[WHERE where_condition] 
[GROUP BY col_list] 
[HAVING having_condition] 
[ORDER BY col_list]] 
[LIMIT number];
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  • Let us take an example of SELECT…GROUP BY clause.
  • Assume employee table as given below, with Id, Name, Salary, Designation, and Dept fields.
  • Generate a query to retrieve the number of employees in each department.
ID Name Salary Designation Dept
1201 Aarthi 45000 Technical manager TP
1202 Boomi 45000 Proofreader PR
1203 Dharsanya 40000 Technical writer TP
1204 Harikka 40000 Hr Admin HR
1205 Mirunalini 30000 Op Admin Admin
  • The following query retrieves the employee details using the above scenario.
hive> SELECT Dept,count(*) FROM employee GROUP BY DEPT;
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On successful execution of the query, you get to see the following response:

Dept Count(*)
Admin 1
PR 2
TP 3

JDBC Program:

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Given below is the JDBC program to apply the Group By clause for the given example.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

public class WikitechyGroupBy {
   private static String driverName = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver";
   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
      // Register driver and create driver instance
      // get connection
      Connection con = DriverManager.
      getConnection("jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/userdb", "", "");
      // create statement
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      // execute statement
      Resultset res = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT Dept,count(*) ” + “FROM employee GROUP BY DEPT; ”);
      System.out.println(" Dept \t count(*)");
      while (res.next()) {
         System.out.println(res.getString(1) + " " + res.getInt(2)); 
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Save the program in a file named WikitechyGroupBy.java. Use the following commands to compile and execute this program.

$ javac WikitechyGroupBy.java
$ java WikitechyGroupBy
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Dept Count(*)
Admin 1
PR 2
TP 3
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Hive QL – Group By - Optimizations :

       SELECT pageid, age, count(1)
       FROM pv_users
       GROUP BY pageid, age;
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  • Map side partial aggregations
    • Hash-based aggregates
    • Serialized key/values in hash tables
    • 90% speed improvement on Query
    • SELECT count(1) FROM t;
  • Load balancing for data skew

Parameters for Group by Optimization :

  • hive.map.aggr = true
  • hive.groupby.skewindata = false
  • hive.groupby.mapaggr.checkinterval = 100000
  • hive.map.aggr.hash.percentmemory = 0.5
  • hive.map.aggr.hash.min.reduction = 0.5
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Group By with distinct - big data map reduce - Optimizations :

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