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What is HiveQL ?

  • Hive is a datawarehouseing infrastructure for Hadoop. The primary responsibility is to provide data summarization, query and analysis.
  • The best part of HIVE is that it supports SQL-Like access to structured data which is known as HiveQL (or HQL) as well as big data analysis with the help of MapReduce.
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Mysql Vs Hive :

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What is Select-Where in HiveQL ?

  • Here, We explains how to use the SELECT statement with WHERE clause.
  • SELECT statement is used to retrieve the data from a table. WHERE clause works similar to a condition.
  • It filters the data using the condition and gives you a finite result.
  • The built-in operators and functions generate an expression, which fulfils the condition.
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WHERE Clauses:

  • A WHERE clause is used to filter the result set by using predicate operators and logical operators. Functions can also be used to compute the condition.
    • List of Predicate Operators
    • List of Logical Operators
    • List of Functions
  • Here’s an example query that uses a WHERE clause.
SELECT name FROM products WHERE name = 'stone of jordan';
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  • Given below is the syntax of the SELECT query:
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, ... 
FROM table_reference 
[WHERE where_condition] 
[GROUP BY col_list] 
[HAVING having_condition] 
[CLUSTER BY col_list | [DISTRIBUTE BY col_list] [SORT BY col_list]] 
[LIMIT number];
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  • Let us take an example for SELECT…WHERE clause.
  • Assume we have the employee table as given below, with fields named Id, Name, Salary, Designation, and Dept.
  • Generate a query to retrieve the employee details who earn a salary of more than Rs 30000.
ID Name Salary Designation Dept
1201 Aarthi 45000 Technical manager TP
1202 Boomi 45000 Proofreader PR
1203 Dharsanya 40000 Technical writer TP
1204 Harikka 40000 Hr Admin HR
1205 Arun 30000 Op Admin Admin
  • The following query retrieves the employee details using the above scenario:
hive> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary>30000;
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  • On successful execution of the query, you get to see the following response:
ID Name Salary Designation Dept
1201 Aarthi 45000 Technical manager TP
1202 Boomi 45000 Proofreader PR
1203 Dharsanya 40000 Technical writer TP
1204 Harikka 40000 Hr Admin HR

Hive JDBC Program:

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The JDBC program to apply where clause for the given example is as follows.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

public class WikitechyWhere {
   private static String driverName = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver";
   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
      // Register driver and create driver instance
      // get connection
      Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/userdb", "", "");
      // create statement
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      // execute statement
      Resultset res = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary>30000;");
      System.out.println(" ID \t Name \t Salary \t Designation \t Dept ");
      while (res.next()) {
         System.out.println(res.getInt(1) + " " + res.getString(2) + " " + res.getDouble(3) + " " + res.getString(4) + " " + res.getString(5));
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  • Save the program in a file named WikitechyWhere.java
  • Use the following commands to compile and execute this program.
$ javac WikitechyWhere.java
$ java WikitechyWhere
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ID Name Salary Designation Dept
1201 Aarthi 45000 Technical manager TP
1202 Boomi 45000 Proofreader PR
1203 Dharsanya 40000 Technical writer TP
1204 Harikka 40000 Hr Admin HR

Filtering data using HIVEQL language :

SELECT * FROM status_updates WHERE status LIKE ‘michael jackson’
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learn hive - hive tutorial - apache hive - hiveql select statement - hive examples

Figure out total number of status_updates in a given day
---------------SELECT COUNT(1) FROM status_updates WHERE ds = ’2009-08-01’
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learn hive - hive tutorial - apache hive - hiveql select statement where condition - hive examples

  • Next example query combines group-by, joins and multi-table inserts.
    • FROM (SELECT a.status, b.school, b.gender
                FROM status_updates a JOIN profiles b
               ON (a.userid = b.userid and
                a.ds='2009-03-20' )
      ) subq1
      INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE gender_summary
      SELECT subq1.gender, COUNT(1)
      GROUP BY subq1.gender
      INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE school_summary
      SELECT subq1.school, COUNT(1)
      GROUP BY subq1.school
  • learn hive - hive tutorial - apache hive - hiveql joins and merge and group by statement -  hive examples

    learn hive - hive tutorial - apache hive - hiveql joins and merge and group by statement - hive examples

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