Wordpress Dashboard
Wordpress Dashboard
- The WordPress Dashboardis a first screen which will be seen when you log into the administration area of your blog which will display the overview of the website.
- The main idea of the dashboard is to give you a place where you can get an at-a-glance overview of what’s happening with your blog or website.
- You can customize your needs by using some quick links such as writing quick draft, replying to latest comment etc.
Dashboard Menus :
Following are the simple steps to dashboard in WordPress.

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- At the left-hand side of your screen you can see the list of dashboard menus.
Screen Options :
- On the right top corner you can see the screen options.
- Screen options is a different type of "dashboard widget" which can be shown or hidden.

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- It contains check boxes to show or hide screen options and also allows us to customize sections on the admin screen.
Dashboard Widgets :
- The Dashboard Screen presents information in blocks said to be called widgets.
- By default, WordPress delivers five widgets on this page:
- At a Glance.
- Activity.
- Welcome.
- Quick Draft.
- WordPress News
At a Glance :

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- This section gives overview of your blog's posts, number of published posts and pages, number of comments. When you click on these links, you will be taken to the respective screen. It displays the current version of running WordPress along with currently running theme on the site.
Activity :

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- Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them.
- A list of the most Recent Comments on your blog is detailed in this widget. Each comments that is listed has a link to the related post title and clicking that link allows you to edit the post. Hovering the mouse over each comment activates a menu of choices to Approve (or Un-approve) the comment, Edit the comment, Reply for comment.
Welcome :

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- The Welcome widget shows links for some of the most common tasks when setting up a new site like customizing theme, creating page, viewing the front end of the web page.
Quick Draft :

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- The Quick Draft widget allows you to write a new draft easily and quickly.
- Enter a post title, upload/insert media, enter the post content, add tags.
- click the Publish or click the Save Draft button.
WordPress News :

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- The WordPress News widget displays the latest news such as latest software version, updates, alerts, news regarding the software etc. from the official WordPress blog.