Wordpress Edit Media
Wordpress Edit Media
- All your media files information is stored in media library.
- You can edit the media files using edit options.

Learn wordpress - wordpress tutorial - WordPress Edit Media Library - wordpress examples - wordpress programs
- Click on Media -- > Library and click on the name of the media item or the edit link.
This option is used to view the group of media files that has been stored in your media library.
Media Library :

Learn wordpress - wordpress tutorial - WordPress Media Editor - wordpress examples - wordpress programs
- You will view a list of media files. Select any one image to edit.
Attachment Details :

Learn wordpress - wordpress tutorial - WordPress Modify Media Attachment - wordpress examples - wordpress programs
- URL : You can read only a link from media file.
- Title : This displays the name of the media. Title is often shown in galleries and attachment pages, if themes or plugins are designed to display it.
- Caption : A brief explanation of the media.
- Alternate Text : The alt text for the image, which is used to describe media.
- Description : An explanation of your media file.
- Delete Permanently: This is about Deleting your media file permanently.
Edit Media :

Learn wordpress - wordpress tutorial - Edit Media Permalink - wordpress examples - wordpress programs
- Once you complete editing the required fields, click on Update button to save the changes made to an image.

Learn wordpress - wordpress tutorial - Media File Updated - wordpress examples - wordpress programs
- Hence the media file is updated.