ACID stands for Atomicity, Consisency, Isolation, and Durbility property. Multiple users can share data in a safe and secure way using these properties.


  • Atomicity is based on the principle of “either all or nothing” which means that if any updates  happens inside the database then that updates should be available for others beyond user and application.
  • If any updates happens inside the database then that updates should not be available for others beyond user and application.


  • Inside a database before or after any transaction takes place this ensures that consistency is maintained.


  • This property states that happens in isolation with other which means that any transactions that has started but not yet completed should be in isolation with others so that the other transactions are not affected by this transaction.


  • This property states that the data should always be in a durable state i.e. any data which is in the committed state should be available in the same state even if any failure or restart occurs in the system

Transaction States in DBMS

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