• The documents are stores in BSON, which is the binary encoded format of JSON in MongoDB.
  • In MongoDB we can make remote procedure calls using BSON.
  • BSON data format supports various data-types.
  • There are various datatypes used in MongoDB.

Null :

  • It is used to store Null values.

 Syntax{“x”: null}     

Boolean :

  • It is used to store whether true or false.

  Syntax: {“x”: true}

Integer :

  • It is used to store an integer value.
  • In two forms we can store integer data type 32 -bit signed integer and 64 – bit signed integer.

Syntax: {“x”: 4}

String :

  • It is used to store data and the most commonly used data type in MongoDB, BSON strings are of UTF-8.
  • In each programming language, the drivers convert from the string format of the language to UTF-8 while serializing and deserializing BSON.

Syntax: {“x”: “foobar”}

Date :

  • It is used to store date, and it is a 64-bit integer that represents the number of milliseconds.
  • It is signed and the BSON data type generally supports UTC datetime.
  • If the value of the date data type is negative, then it represents the dates before 1970.
  • In this type, there are various type:
    1. Date ()
    2. New Date ()
    3. New ISO Date ()

Syntax: {“x”: “new Date ()”}

Regular expression :

  • It is used to store regular expressions.

Syntax: {“x”: /foobar/i ()”}

Array :

  • It is the set of values and stores the same or different data types values in it.
  • The array is created using square brackets ([]) in MongoDB.

Syntax: {“x”: [“a”, “b”, “c”]}

Object ID :

  • MongoDB automatically creates a unique object ID Whenever we create a new document in the collection.
  • In MongoDB, there is an _id field for each document.
  • The data stored in Id is length is 12 bytes and it is in hexadecimal format.

Syntax: {“x”: objectId ()}

Binary Data :

  • It is used to store binary data. It is a string of arbitrary bytes.

Code :

  • The string data type is similar to this data.
  • Mongo shell is generally not supported in this.
  • If the shell gets a symbol from the database, then it converts this type into a string type.

Syntax: {“x”: function() { /* …*/ }}


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