• Scaling is used to alters size of a system.
  • In this process expand the system to meet the expected needs or we either compress.
  • The scaling operation is by adding a new system in the existing one, or both or it can be achieved by adding resources to meet the smaller expectation in the current system.
  • In this operation, there are two types scaling:
    1. Vertical Scaling
    2. Horizontal Scaling

Vertical Scaling

  • In this existing system where the new resources are added to meet the expectation.
  • Resources that comprise the existing system and consider as a rack of servers.
  • It is based on the idea of adding more power (CPU, RAM) to existing systems, basically adding more resources.
  • It becomes cheaper than Horizontal scaling but it is not easy to process.
  • The size of the existing system become expands vertically.
  • It may involve downtime and harder to upgrade.

Horizontal Scaling

  • In this existing system where the new server racks are added to meet the higher expectation.
  • Resources that comprise the existing system and consider as a rack of servers
  • It is based on the idea of adding more machines into our pool of resources.
  • It is costlier than Vertical Scaling and difficult.
  • To upgrade it is easy.


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