php tutorial - PHP Delete Array Element - php programming - learn php - php code - php script
- Array is an important and mostly used data type in PHP programming.
- PHP programmer can add element to an array or delete element from an array manually with his/her own logical program but PHP also provides some built-in functions which help to delete array elements so easily.
Delete Array Last Element
- PHP array_pop() function is used to delete the last element of an array. The structure of the array_pop() function is given below
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- The array_pop() function only accepts the name of an array and then it will remove the last element of that array.
- See below example where the array_pop() function is being used to remove the last element of an array
Sample Code
$web = array("PHP","HTML","CSS","JavaScript","AJAX");
foreach($web as $lang){
echo $lang." ";
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- The example shows that the last element of $web array is being removed by array_pop() function and the remaining elements are being shown using foreach loop statement.
Delete Array First Element
- PHP array_shift() function is used to remove the first element of an array. The structure of the array_shift() function is given below
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- The array_shift() function only accepts the array name as an argument and then deletes the first element of that array.
- See below example where the array_shift() function is being used to remove the first element of an array
Sample Code
$web = array("PHP","HTML","CSS");
$shift_element= array_shift($web);
print("Deleted: ".$shift_element." ");
print("Now array contains: ".count($web)." element ");
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Deleted: PHP
Now array contains: 2 element
Deleted: HTML
Now array contains: 1 element
Deleted: CSS
Now array contains: 0 element
- The example shows that the first element of $web array is being removed by the array_pop() function in every successful looping.