Professionals used to struggle in managing files in the most convenient format, PDF. Although it is hailed today as the most comfortable to use, there used to be a time where it was troublesome even for technical users. We have to be thankful for these modern technological advancements that provided us the best tools to surpass the past’s common dilemmas.

If you are employed in the corporate industry, you probably encountered and transmitted hundreds or thousands of PDF files already. But do we already know the depths and importance of these PDFs? How to make changes in these so-called most convenient files? How to make a compilation out of several PDFs?

Making Legitimate Compilations

Managing electronic files may challenge you if you are a less-organized person. Practice makes perfect, so you have to make it a habit to manage your files more often. If you have dozens of PDF files on your desktop or laptop and find their content somewhat similar, making a legitimate compilation would be a recommendable action.

So the next question will be, “how to merge PDF?” This is not a simple activity if you do not have the best tool. PDFBear is the answer to your question and probably to all your PDF problems. Combining PDFs to a single compilation requires the quality service of PDFBear to merge your PDFs causing no damages. To merge PDF, follow these steps:

  • Go to PDFBear’s home page and click the “Merge PDF” function.
  • Go to your folder, find your PDF file and drag it to the PDFBear merge tool.
  • You can choose whether to implement basic merging or PRO merging.
  • On the next page, you can add more PDFs to combine with your previous uploads.
  • Click Merge PDF, then choose whether to copy the file’s URL or download it to your desktop, laptop, or mobile phone.

Detaching Pages From Base PDF

You have now learned how to make a PDF compilation through PDFBear; we will now tackle how to separate individual pages. If you have PDF files that are too large for online sharing, you can detach pages to reduce its size. If you basically just need to separate individual pages for organizing purposes, you can use the same PDFBear function:

  • Go to PDFBear’s home page and click the “Split PDF” function.
  • Go to your folder, find your PDF file and drag it to the PDFBear split tool.
  • Choose whether to do basic extraction or split 1 PDF into many, then click “Choose Option.”
  • Click on the pages you want to detach from the base document and click “Extract.”
  • After detaching, you can now decide whether to copy the URL or download the individualized PDF.

PDF Size Deduction

We are always aware of our hard disk’s capacity to avoid lag and all. At the same time, webmail platforms have a limited ability to upload and transmit data online. The file size is an essential factor to consider, so what if our PDFs are too large to handle? Since you can use the PDF split function to decrease file size, are there any other functions available?

What if you need all the content in one PDF? Is there any way of trimming it down without removing any necessary content? Yes, there is. With PDFBear’s compress function, you can make a fine PDF size deduction without harming its quality content. Like merge and split functions, the merge process only takes less than a minute:

  • Go to the PDFBear home page, and click the “Compress PDF” option.
  • Go to your folder, find your PDF file and drag it to the PDFBear compress tool.
  • You can choose whether to make a basic or strong compression, depending on how much you need to reduce.
  • Click “Choose Option,” then PDFBear will compress your PDF.
  • Decide whether to copy the URL or download it directly to your computer.


To further enhance the quality of your electronic paperwork, you can optimize the user-friendly functional tools of the free and online PDFBear. Since PDFs are vastly distributed to millions of people daily, it is safe to say that it is the most used file nowadays. It is wise to do productive exercises with these PDFs, try out the best online tool, PDFBEar.