Today in the Covid era, we can say that having a website is the spine of every industry. If you want your company to be thriving, you need a well-fashioned website. 

Because social distancing is at an all-time high, and more people seek information online, your company must have a site.

Making a website, on the other hand, is difficult, and we’re here to help. We’ve outlined some of the most common mistakes people make when designing a website in this blog.

Let’s dive in

Everything Takes Too Long To Load

If your website takes too long to load, it is the pinnacle of a poor user experience.

Because your website is slow and clunky, you will notice that your visitors will end up leaving it quickly without even showing any interest in it.

Have you ever visited a landing page that takes so long to load that you eventually hit the X button? Nothing alarms people more than a lazy landing page, in our opinion.

Human attention spans are currently only eight seconds long, and failing to hold your audience’s attention is one of the worst things you can do for your website.

Some things which you can do are: 

  • Correct the pictures on your site–specifically those on the homepage. 
  • You should also check the plug-ins that appear to be braking down your site. 
  • Update some of the plug-ins to newer versions to speed things up 

You Have A Lot Going On With Your Website

Visitors come to a website for information about your company or brand; however, if you bombard them with unnecessary details right away, they will leave within a few flashes.

You may have seen websites adorned with a mountain of text or images. This is not an effective strategy; rather, it confuses visitors.

Your Website Has Very Few Things Going On

Minimalism is a trend that will not disappear and using white space on a website to help visitors see the important information is brilliant. There is, however, a catch!

If the website has a lot of white space, it may leave very little information and may leave too much to the imagination. This is undesirable because visitors may be left perplexed and guessing.

Your Website Is Incompatible With Mobile Devices

The responsiveness of your website is critical to the user experience, and if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing a lot of traffic. 

We must remember that people use their mobile phones more than they do their laptops or desktop computers in this day and age.

This makes it even more important for you to provide a high-quality experience to those who access the internet via mobile devices.

Your Website Lacks A Call To Action

If you notice that you have a lot of traffic to your website, but it isn’t directing them to the desired outcome, such as purchasing a product or filling out a form, you may not have a proper CTA.

A CTA, or call to action, is the simplest way to guide your audience in the right direction. Because a visitor to your site finally converts into a consumer, this process is also known as conversion marketing in marketing jargon, and it needs a proper CTA to lead through. 

Over To You 

A website can be a tremendous asset in bringing in more business, but it must be flawlessly created. 

While you can do it yourself, it is often best to seek professional assistance from a brilliant company for website design in Charlotte NC – if you want to avoid any design errors. 

Don’t worry because design flaws can always be fixed; simply identify them and move on.

If you were making any of the design mistakes, please chime in the comment section. 

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