AngularJS ngclass

  • ng-class directive is used to dynamically set one or more CSS classes to an HTML element.
  • ng-class directive value can be a string, an object, or an array.
  • If the value of the ng-class directive is string, it should contain one or more, space-separated class names.
  • If the value of the ng-class directive is an object, it should contain key-value pairs, where the key is the class name of the class you want to add, and the value is a boolean value.
  • If the value of the ng-class directive is an array, each array element can be either a string, or an object, described as above.
  • All HTML elements supported the ng-class directive.
  • The directive will not add duplicate classes if a particular class was already existing.

Syntax for ng-class directive in AngularJS:

<element ng-class= “expression” ></element>

Parameter value for ng-class directive in AngularJS:

Value Description
expression It is used to define an expression that returns one or more class names.

Sample coding for ng-class directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
            .blue {
            .font {
            .orange {
    <body ng-app="">
        <h3>Choose a class from the below checkbox:</h3>
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="fontsize">
            Font Size<br>
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="bluecolor">
            Blue Color<br>
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="orangecolor">
            Orange Color Background
        <div ng-class="{blue: bluecolor, font: fontsize , orange: 
        orangecolor }">
            <h1>Wikitechy ng-class Directive in AngularJS!</h1>

Code Explanation for ng-class directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS ngclass

  1. AngularJS is distributed as a JavaScript file, and can be added to a HTML page with a <script> tag.
  2. .blue {color : blue;} is used to define a CSS class as blue which is used to set the <div> element’s font-color as blue.
  3. .font {font-size: 20px;} is used to define a CSS class as font which is used to set the <div> element’s font-size as 20px.
  4. . orange {background-color: orange;} is used to define a CSS class as orange which is used to set the <div> element’s background color as orange.
  5. The AngularJS application is defined by ng-app=" ". The application runs inside the <body> tag. It’s also used to define a <body> tag as a root element.
  6. The <input> tag is used to define the checkbox and the ng-model is used to bind the fontsize when the user click this checkbox.
  7. The <input> tag is used to define the checkbox and the ng-model is used to bind the bluecolor when the user click this checkbox.
  8. The <input> tag is used to define the checkbox and the ng-model is used to bind the orangecolor background when the user click this checkbox.
  9. <div ng-class="{blue: bluecolor, font: fontsize , orange: orangecolor }"> here the ng-class directive is used to dynamically set three CSS classes to a <div> tag.

Sample Output for ng-class directive in AngularJS:

    Sample Output1 for AngularJS ngclass

  1. The output displays the checkbox and content when the page was loaded.

  2. Sample Output2 for AngularJS ngclass

  3. The content “Wikitechy ng-class Directive in AngularJS!” font-size is changed as 20 pixels when the checkbox name as Font Size is clicked.

  4. Sample Output3 for AngularJS ngclass

  5. The content “Wikitechy ng-class Directive in AngularJS!” font-size is changed as 20 pixels and font color is changed as blue when the checkbox both name as Font Size and Blue Color are clicked.

  6. Sample Output4 for AngularJS ngclass

  7. The content “Wikitechy ng-class Directive in AngularJS!” font-size is changed as 20 pixels; font color is changed as blue and background color is changed as orange when the user clicked three checkboxes.

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