AngularJS nglist

  • The ng-list directive is used to convert the input string to an array of strings by user specified separator.
  • The default separator for ng-list is comma.
  • We can specify the separator by set the value for ng-list.
  • We can also use the ng-list input field value either string or array.

Syntax for ng-list Directive in AngularJS:

<element ng-list=”separator”></element>

Sample code for ng-list Directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
        <div ng-app="">
            <h2>ng-list Directive in AngularJS Tutorials </h2>    
            <input ng-model="tech" ng-list /><br><br>
            <select ng-model="name" ng- options=" x for x in tech" ></select>
            <h2>Value in tech Array: {{tech}}</h2>


  • The data has been used in our AngularJS Application.


  • Viewable HTML contents in AngularJS Application.
<div ng-app="">
    <h2>ng-list Directive in AngularJS Tutorials </h2>    
    <input ng-model="tech" ng-list /><br><br>
    <select ng-model="name" ng- options=" x for x in tech" ></select>
    <h2>Value in tech Array: {{tech}}</h2>

Code Explanation for ng-list Directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS nglist

  1. The ng-list is used to specify the input field value as Array.
  2. To list out the values entered in the textbox that will be listed as options in select box.
  3. To display the exact value stored in the tech variable.

Sample Output for ng-list Directive in AngularJS:

    Sample Output1 for AngularJS nglist

  1. The output displays the content on page load the details all are empty.

  2. Sample Output2 for AngularJS nglist

  3. The user Enter the comma separated value in the textbox.
  4. When user Enter the comma separated value in the textbox that will be stored as an array in tech variable.

  5. Sample Output3 for AngularJS nglist

  6. When user Enter the comma separated value in the textbox that will be reflected in the drop-down list as options.

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