AngularJS ngopen

  • The ng-open directive in AngularJS specifies the open attribute of a list.
  • It is used to sets the open attribute of a details list.
  • ng-open directive supported by the <detail> element.
  • Whenever the expression inside the ng-open attribute returns true value, then the details list will be visible.
  • When we use interpolation inside open then we need special directive to utilize.
  • Following browsers like Edge, Firefox, and Internet Explorer will not support, so instead use ngShow or ngHide.

Syntax for ng-open Directive in AngularJS:

<details ng-open="expression">……</details>

Parameter Values:

Parameter Type Description
ng-open string If the expression returns true value, then the special attribute “open” will be set on the element.

Sample code for ng-open Directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
    <body ng-app=""> 
        <h3>ng-open Directive in AngularJS Tutorial</h3>
        Click Here:<input type="checkbox" ng-model="detail"><br><br>
        <details ng-open="detail">
            <summary>Show the Tutorial List</summary>

ng-open Directive using in AngularJS:

<details ng-open="detail">
    <summary>Show the Tutorial List</summary>
  • The ng-open directive used to set the open attribute of a details list.

Code Explanation for ng-open Directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS ngopen

  1. The ng-app specifies the root element (<div>) to define AngularJS application.
  2. The ng-model bind an input field value to AngularJS application variable (“detail”).
  3. <details> tag is mentioned for the additional information to the user they can view or hide.
  4. The ng-open directive is used to set the open attribute of a “detail”.
  5. The <summary> tag specifies a visible heading (Show the Tutorial list), which should be clicked to view or hide the details.

Sample Output for ng-open Directive in AngularJS:

Sample Output1 for AngularJS ngopen

  1. The output is displayed on page load.

Sample Output2 for AngularJS ngopen

  1. If the user clicks the checkbox, then the output shows the details of the text(“Show the Tutorial List”.)

Sample Output3 for AngularJS ngopen

  1. If the user unclicks the checkbox, then the output hides the details of the text (“Show the Tutorial List”.)

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