File Handling in C

C File Handling - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming the files I/O functions handles data on secondary storage device, such as hard disk.
  • In C – Programming the I/O function handles the text files(.txt) into system oriented files.
C File Handling

C - fopen() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming, the fopen function is used to create a new file (or) open the exiting file.
C fopen

C - fgetc() - Definition and Usage

  • In C - Programming, the getc function is used to read the character from the file.
C fgetc

C - fputc() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming , the fputc function is used to write the character from the file.
C fputc

C - fprintf() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming, the fprintf function is used to pass the argument according to the specified format in terms of the file indicated format.
C fprintf

C - fscanf() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming, the fscanf function is used to read formatted input from a stream.
C fscanf

C - fgets() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming, the fgets function is used to get the input string.
C fgets

C - feof() - Definition and Usage

  • In C – Programming, the feof function is used to test the end-of-file indicator from the input file stream.

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