C - Switch Case


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C - Switch Case - Definition and Usage

  • In C- Programming the switch statement is used for defining multiple possibilities for the if statement.
  • In general, the switch statement is executing only specific case statements based on the switch expression.
C Switch Statement

C Syntax

switch (expression)
    case label1:   
    case label2:  

Sample - C Code

void main()
    int a;
    printf("Please enter a no between 1 and 4: ");
     case 1:
            printf(“Value is 1 \n” );
        case 2:
            printf(“Value is 2 \n” );
        case 3:
            printf(“Value is 3 \n” );
        case 4:
            printf(“Value is 4 \n” );
        default :
            printf(“Value is other than 1,2,3,4 \n” );

C Code - Explanation :

  1. Here we declare the variable “a” as integer.
  2. In this statement we get the value of the variable “a” using scanf statement.
  3. In this statement we get the switch case expression value of the variable “a”. and based on the variable value the case statement will be executed.
  4. If no case statement is matched it execute the default case statement.

Sample Output - Programming Examples

  1. Here in this output we have entered the number 1, which will switch to “Case 1” so the output of “a-value is 1” .
  1. Here in this output we have entered the number 2, which will switch to “Case 2” so the output of “a-value is 2” .
  1. Here in this output we have entered the number 3, which will switch to “Case 3” so the output of “a-value is 3” .
  1. Here in this output we have entered the number 4, which will switch to “Case 4” so the output of “a-value is 4” .
  1. Here in this output we have entered the number 5, which will switch to “default” so the output of “a-value is other than 1,2,3,4”.

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