Token Pasting Directive Operator (##) in C - Token Pasting Operator in C

 token pasting directive operator in c

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Token Pasting Directive Operator (##) in C

  • Token pasting operator just eliminates white space around it and combines the non-whitespace characters.
  • It is used to create new tokens & can only be used in a macro definition.

Sample Code

#include <stdio.h>
#define CONCAT(x,y) x##y
int main()
    printf("Value1: %d\n",CONCAT(10,20));
    printf("Value2: %d\n",CONCAT(10,45)+100);
    return 0;


Value1: 1020
Value2: 1145
  • Here, statement CONCAT(10,20) will return 1020 as integer and statement CONCAT(10,45)+100 will concatenate 10, 45 and then add 100 to the 1045, so this statement will return 1145 as integer.

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