android tutorial - Changing output apk name and add version name | Developer android - android app development - android studio - android app developement

Changing output apk name and add version name:

  • This is the code for changing output application file name (.apk). The name can be configured by assigning a different value to newName
android {

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        def newName = "ApkName";
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            def apk = output.outputFile;

            newName += "-v" + defaultConfig.versionName;
            if ( == "release") {
                newName += "-release.apk";
            } else {
                newName += ".apk";
            if (!output.zipAlign) {
                newName = newName.replace(".apk", "-unaligned.apk");

            output.outputFile = new File(apk.parentFile, newName);
  "INFO: Set outputFile to " 
                        + output.outputFile 
                        + " for [" + + "]");
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