Specifies the width of the text area. Default value is 20.
Sample Coding for cols Attribute in HTML:
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><head><title>Wikitechy HTML cols attribute</title></head><textarea rows="5" cols="80">
Wikitechy is an enhanced tutorials zone providing the best learning curve.
Sample code is provided for each and every topic to improve the user's knowledge.
Code Explanation for cols Attribute in HTML:
<textarea> tag used to define a multi-line text input control.
row attribute is used to set the number of lines as “5” in a text area.
cols attribute is used to set the width as “80” for the textarea.
Output fo cols Attribute in HTML:
In this output, the content Wikitechy is an enhanced tutorials... had been displayed with a specified width in a text area.
Browser Support for cols Attribute in HTML:
Tips and Notes
The textarea size can also be determined by the CSS height and width properties.