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What is SecondsBetween() Function?
- SecondsBetween returns the number of whole seconds between ANow and AThen.
- This means the fractional part of a second (milliseconds etc.) is dropped.

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SecondsBetween() function in Apache Pig
This function accepts two date-time objects and calculates the number of seconds between the two given date-time objects.
Here is the syntax of the SecondsBetween() function.
- Ensure that we have a file named wikitechy_doj_dob.txt in the HDFS directory /pig_data/.
- This file contains the date-of-birth and date-of-joining details of a particular person, id, dateof-birth and date-of-joining.
001,26/09/1989 09:00:00,16/01/2015 09:00:00
002,20/06/1980 10:22:00,10/08/2011 09:00:00
003,19/12/1990 03:11:44,25/10/2012 09:00:00
- We have loaded this file into Pig with a relation named doj_dob_data as shown below.
doj_dob_data = LOAD 'hdfs://localhost:9000/pig_data/wikitechy_doj_dob.txt' USING PigStorage(',')
as (id:int, dob:chararray, doj:chararray);
- Now you can calculate the number of seconds between date-of-birth and date-of-joining of the employees using the SecondsBetween() function as shown below.
secondsbetween_data = foreach doj_dob_data generate SecondsBetween(ToDate(doj,
'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss'),ToDate(dob,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss'));
Verify the contents of the relation using the Dump operator as shown below.
grunt> Dump secondsbetween_data;
- The above statement stores the result in the relation named secondsbetween_data.