[Solved-1 Solution] Is there a way to query hive tables or read hive table data within a pig script ?


  • HCatalog is a table storage management tool for Hadoop that exposes the tabular data of Hive metastore to other Hadoop applications. It enables users with different data processing tools (Pig, MapReduce) to easily write data onto a grid.


Is there a way to query hive tables or read hive table data within a pig script ?

Solution 1:

  • The goal of the Howl project is to allow Pig and Hive to share a single metadata repository. Once Howl is mature, we can be able to run PigLatin and HiveQL queries over the same tables. For now, you can try to work with the data as it is stored in HDFS.
  • Note that Howl has been renamed to HCatalog

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