C# multidimensional array | Multidimensional array c# - c# - c# tutorial - c# net

C# Multidimensional Array
What is multidimensional array in C# ?
- The multi-dimensional array in C# is such type of array that contains more than one row to store data on it.
- The multi-dimensional array is also known as rectangulararray in C# because it has same length of each row.
- It can be two dimensional array or three dimensional array or more.
- Multi-dimensional array contains more than one coma (,) within single rectangular brackets ("[ , ]").
- C# supports multidimensional arrays. The simplest form of the multidimensional array is the two-dimensional array.

int[ , , ,] name;
C# Sample Code - C# Examples:
using System;
namespace wikitechy_multi_array
staticvoidmultiarray(int[,] c)
for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
Console.WriteLine("The Multidimensional array elements are ({0},{1})={2}", a, b, c[a, b]);
multiarray(newint[,] { { 11, 12 }, { 23, 24 }, { 35, 36 }, { 47, 48 } });
Code Explanation:

- In this example, a two-dimensional array is initialized and passed to the multarray method, where its elements are displayed.
- Here for (inta = 0; a<2; a++) specifies integer a = 0, which means the expression, (a<2), is true. Therefore, the statement is executed, and a gets incremented by 1 and becomes 2.
- for (intb = 0; b< 2; b++) specifies integer b = 0, which means the expression, (b< 2), is true. Therefore, the statement is executed, and b gets incremented by 1 and becomes 2.
- In Console.WriteLine,the Main method specifies its behavior with the statement "The Multidimensional array elements are".to be displayed on the screen.
- If we choose to declare an array variable without initialization, we must use the new operator to assign an array to the variable.
Sample C# examples - Output :

- Here in this output the multidimensional array elements (0,0) is represented as a console statement. The multidimensional array elements(0,0) value as "11"
- Here in this output the multidimensional array elements (0,1) is represented as a console statement. The multidimensional array elements (0,1) value as "12".
- In this output the multidimensional array elements (1,0) is represented as a console statement. The multidimensional array elements (1,0)value as "23".
- In this output the multidimensional array elements (1,0) is represented as a console statement. The multidimensional array elements (1,1) value as "24".