Replace a character using c#

public static void main(String args[])
// Replace a char  
string odd = "1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19";  
Console.WriteLine($ "Original odd: {odd}");  
string newOdd = odd.Replace(',', ':');  
Console.WriteLine($ "New Odd: {newOdd}"); 
string authors = "Mahesh Beniwal, Neel Beniwal, Raj Beniwal, Dinesh Beniwal";  
Console.WriteLine($ "Authors with last names: {authors}");  
// Remove all Beniwal with space and remove space with empty string  
string firstNames = authors.Replace(" Beniwal", "");  
Console.WriteLine($ "Authors without last names: {firstNames}"); 